Vaccination passports make no sense anymore— black market is booming.

Pawel Szydlowski
2 min readAug 5, 2021

I was shocked, when I discovered what I am about to tell you. I never thought people are that irresponsible…


Remember back in 2020 when everyone was praying for a quick end of pandemic and a vaccine? Yeah, I do remember it.

Now when the vaccine is available globally, anti-vaxxers are doing everything to spread fake news about its harmful effects. Starting with fake news spread on social media and ending with physically burning down a vaccination centre in Poland.

You definitely heard about an EU Vaccination Certificate or Vaccination QR code. Those were introduced to help people go back to the life we knew before the pandemic happened. Allowed us to travel again without the need to quarantine, do indoor activities and many more.

I discovered the anti-vaxxers are among the doctors and they are exploiting the EU Vaccination Certificate from inside.

For about 440 EURO / 520 USD, they are offering people a “remote vaccination”. This literally means they have access to the vaccination system and are entering details of people who never got a vaccine!

It means the Vaccination Certificate is worthless, as among really vaccinated…



Pawel Szydlowski

Mobile Developer, R&D Engineer and Mathematician. Polish🇵🇱, lived in Ireland and Netherlands. Writing about technology, mindfulness, healthy lifestyle & news.